Paige Figi - Episode 765

Paige Figi spent years trying to find a treatment for her young daughter, Charlotte, who was diagnosed with Dravet Syndrome – a serious form of epilepsy – and suffered from frequent seizures. Because none of the traditional pharmaceuticals and treatments were reliable or successful in reducing and helping Charlotte’s life-limiting condition, Paige researched alternative therapies, discovering a type of hemp

extract that had no major side effects or psychotropic effects. Ms. Figi started giving Charlotte a natural, non-intoxicating, therapeutic hemp extract with low-THC and high-CBD that reduced her daughter’s epileptic symptoms and seizures from hundreds per week to less than three per month.

In 2015, she founded the Coalition for Access Now, a 501(c)4, to help other families in similar circumstances provide relief to their children. The work of Paige and the mothers in the Coalition for Access Now led to passage of CBD access laws in all 50 states.

Coalition for Access Website: Click Here

Interview Transcript: Click Here